Tile Cities (Romanian localisation)
2022 · Localisation · Video Game · open →
The game was made and released by Ukrainian developer Yevheniy in an attempt to maintain some sanity while fleeing the Russian invasion. It is a wonderful little puzzle city builder, so when the dev asked on Twitter if anyone wants to volunteer with translations in their language, I just had to offer my contribution.
I strongly recommend giving the game a go yourself, I guarante you will love it! And as a great bonus, all proceeds go towards helping Ukraine!

ADHD Life Tracker
TBD · Kotlin · Android App · open →
With this simple tracker, you will finally have answers to questions such as ‘When did I last take my pills?’ or ‘Did I just spend twelve hours eating breakfast?’ or ‘Have I showered this year? Like, at all?’ Well your bathroom is foggy, so five guesses on that one.
But for everything else, just glance at this app and you’ll know exactly when was the last time you did an activity and for how long. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be glad to find no annoying alarms or minigames that’ll make you procrastinate more. Just the recorded data, and you decide what to do with it.

[Archived] Google Fixed Tab Order
2019 · JavaScript · Chrome Extension open →
This extension is no longer maintained and incompatible with the current version of Google.
If you have built-in muscle memory for where to click on the ‘image,’ ‘video,’ ‘map,’ or whichever tab in Google searches, but now keep misclicking because they’ve decided to dynamically reorder them based on which ones are more likely to be needed, well this extension is the ‘fuck it’ solution to that. May take a second to reset the buttons’ order, so maybe don’t rush to click before the page loads.
FTC RoboTel Source Code
2017 · Java · Robot · open →
The code used to run our robot during the 2017 FIRST Tech Challenge. Or rather, what I could find of it. Includes files from multiple versions and people. If you’re my employer, I can absolutely guarantee my professionalism while working on any project. The RO027test.java file is definitely, absolutely, in no way part of that process and is utterly irrelevant, so no need to waste your time looking at it. I don’t even know why it’s there at all. Ahem.
For anyone who wants to try it out on their own robot, these files are located in
Single-phase Rectifier
2016 · HTML5 · Learning Aid · open →
A simple browser-based application explaining and demonstrating the functionality of half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, both in 2-diode and 4-diode configuration. Made in about 20 minutes, before spending the following 2 hours faffing about in Photoshop. My idea of skipping homework.
ICE Trance’s Factorio Extensions
2014 · Lua · Factorio Mod · open →
Made during versions 0.9.8 to 0.11. Expanded on the Uranium Power mod before nuclear reactors were added to the game. Might also include a tank that once glitched out and only travelled at fifty million chunks a second, and a plane that could hover without actually being a VTOL. Probably a bunch of other tiny tweaks. This was my way of fixing various issues with the game, before the devs made it the definition of perfection itself and 100% bug-free.
The ICE Trance Project
2014 · PHP/XHTML · Website · open →
This very website that you are looking at right now was once my largest and proudest project, encompassing a store, a music player, a livestreaming page, and every silly endeavour my mind could conjure up. It served as the ultimate form of what was once The ICE Trance Project, having been moved between many webhosts and seeing far too many updates over its four years of active service.
As you can see, what remains of it now is but an archive of the original, stripped down and integrated within Google’s Blogger service as it collects dust waiting for another chance at shining in its full glory.
Undercover Cop
2014 · HTML/PHP · Website Template · open →
My very first webpage design and introduction to programming, redesigned for a video game idea. Great for anything with a retro look. Comes in both classic HTML and modular PHP variants.
2014 · HTML4 · Website Template · open →
Originally served as the homepage for the BloonQuest project, a video game developed by fans of the electronic music duo Approaching Nirvana. I was but a dribble of spunk back then, reaching far beyond my knowledge and abilities. Just like the project itself, it is a horrible mess of code bodged together with no real understanding of how any of it works. Unlike the project, it wasn’t cancelled before it even began.